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The Evolution of Communication

By July 11, 2011September 2nd, 2020Blog, Hot Technology Topics, Unified Communications

The Evolution of Communication

I can remember back in the day when there were busy signals, single telephone lines, no voicemail, no cell phones, and no internet and I am only 23 years old. Throughout my short life time the way in which we communicate and at what efficiency has completely evolved. This leads me to the concept of Unified Communications. You hear over and over again how crucial this component is to running a business these days with the younger generations entering the work force and I am here to tell you, that is a completely valid argument.

I grew up with AOL Instant Messenger and utilized e-mail by the age of 10. Texting became my main form of communication by the age of 13. Therefore, when I need to get a hold of someone the last thing I think about doing is picking up the phone and calling.
My generation does not communicate in the same way as the older generations in the work force. We are much more tech savvy and efficient. I can send out a mass SMS message that can tell all my friends about a party in about 30 seconds. I can send out an Instant Message to all of my co-workers about a last minute meeting in a matter of seconds. All of these methods of communication are crucial to the way my generation thinks as well as how we work. I believe that in a matter of a few years desktop phones and landlines will be a thing of the past and Unified Communications will be completely necessary. So ask yourself this, are you going to be a leader or a follower when it comes to staying on the cutting edge of communication methods?

-Andrea Leonhardt, PEI

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