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Back-up Nightmare

By January 20, 2012June 7th, 2022Best Practices, Blog

One of the most important and sometimes over looked tasks within the IT world is back-ups. While pretty much everyone has a back plan/strategy in place, many IT professionals fail to execute on their backups. With the over demanding load place on internal IT individuals, many times back-ups fall to the end of the list and become a “get to it when I can” task. I recently had a client that went to go make some changes on their SAN and virtual environment and with one wrong click or two, nearly took down all of their shared storage and servers. While this error occurred after business hours and through the work of our engineering team, we were able to restore them with very little impact to the business; it went to show me how important backups really are.

With the advances in technology, backups have never been easier. There are so many options of backing up to the cloud and disk based backup, the need for the traditional tape backup is no longer out there. PEI was able to help the above mentioned client and many others avoid disaster but should they have not had the right tools in place, then the business would have lost out on hundreds of thousands in revenue. I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that a proper back-up strategy is vital to your business and should you need any assistance in designing, implementing or testing your backup strategy, PEI is always there to help.

-Arash Zadeh, PEI


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