Description: Got reports that a variety of users within a Skype 365 hybrid environment (Skype and Active Directory on-premises and Exchange in the cloud) that were suddenly unable receive voicemail….
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Description: Got reports that a variety of users within a Skype 365 hybrid environment (Skype and Active Directory on-premises and Exchange in the cloud) that were suddenly unable receive voicemail….
With the many different types of endpoints and network configurations that organizations use, there can be different ways that users connect to their Skype for Business environment, and as such,…
Recently I was working on a network outage that only 2-3 ip addresses of a single network out of 15-20 different network segments was getting randomly blocked, then would be…
FEP 2010 install Troubleshooting steps If during the process of moving your environment to FEP 2010, and you should happen to see FEP install failures with an error message of…