Forefront Endpoint Protection 2012 Pre-requisite Errors
If you are like me, and installing Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 into an environment, you more than likely ran into these errors during pre-requisite installer from the server.
- Error SQL SPN – Setup cannot verify the service principal name (SPN) for this account. Ensure thatthere is a single valid SPN entry for this account in the Active Directory Domain Services. Account: Domainaccountname
- Error: Setup was unable to verify that SQL Server Reporting Services is functional
- KB977384 not available.
To correct these errors, there are simple steps to follow.
1. From the SQL server open an Administrator command prompt and run the following commands –
- Setspn –A MSSQLSvc/ServerShortName:1433 domainaccountname press Enter
- Setspn –A MSSQLSvc/ServerFQDN:1433 domainaccountname press Enter
2. From the SQL server launch the SQL Reporting Services Configuration Manager
- Ensure that the services are started and Reporting is running, configure as needed.
From the SCCM server
- Ensure to configure the ConfigMgr Reporting Services Point (located under Site
Database>Site Management>Local Server>Site Settings>Site Systems> SQL Server) to point to the SQL Reporting server, add as needed.
3. Download and install KB977384 to the SCCM server
Once you have these in place, the remaining errors should be relatively simple resolutions, and the remainder of the install should move forward without a problem.