Microsoft has announced that on April 30th, 2019, they will stop offering support for Session Border Controllers (SBC) that connect 3rd party PBX systems to Exchange Online Unified Messaging (UM). Unified Messaging customers who are using Session Border Controllers will need to transition their voicemail services to a supported solutions before this date. Microsoft offers a few different solutions for those who will be affected by this change:
- Office 365. We believe the best option for customers is to transition to the cloud and use Office 365. This would include the enterprise voice workload and Cloud Voicemail. Customers would use Microsoft Teams for collaboration and voice services.
- Skype for Business Server. In this configuration, customers would deploy an on-premises Skype for Business server and take advantage of the services for voicemail supported by the server.
- 3rd Party Voicemail System. With this approach, the customer acquires a 3rd party voicemail system that provides all the capabilities required to process voicemail and then place it in the user’s Exchange mailbox.
Please see Microsoft’s most recent announcement of this change for more information or contact us directly at 303-786-7474 or info@pei.com for a free consultation to determine whether your environment will be affected by this change.
Jacob Eker, PEI