According to The Business News Daily, Contract Management is the process of managing contract creation, execution and analysis to maximize operational and financial performance at an organization, all while reducing financial risk. When it’s all said and done, isn’t that the name of the game – reduce financial risk while maxing profitability?
The fact that contract management requires so much time and attention to meticulous details, it’s no longer enough to simply have someone “in place” to handle the requiring monthly obligation. Help reduce your overhead and the headache of guess work by allowing PEI’s Contract Management to proactively monitor your software licenses or hardware support agreements. Our Contract Management is a free service that delivers peace of mind. It helps IT Managers stay on top of their game while maximizing the return on initial investments. PEI will help you track and renew your various contracts so that you can focus on the projects and initiatives that matter most.
PEI‘s Contract Management helps you develop a strategy for the year, so that you’re not just reacting to bills when they come each month. We will be your sole point of contact between the manufacture and vendors to insure your equipment and software is properly support for the eventuality of an unknown issue. If the recurring monthly payment on several different devices is too much and you prefer to have more budgetable approach, no need to fear, we will co-term contracts. We also highlight any items that will reach End of Support in the coming year so that we can help you begin planning to replace them, before you enter a State of Emergency.
Renewal reminders are sent to you 45-60 days in advance of the contracts’ expiration. Plenty of time to seek approval or budget the expense. In a clear concise manner, the quote will be broken down by vendor, serial number, quantity and price. It’ll highlight every detail you need know so you’re aware of exactly what you’re paying for. Once you have a chance to review the renewal items, sign the quote or send an email approval, and we’ll do the rest. Only once the new support is in place will you receive an invoice.
Stop over paying for Reinstatement Fees and other penalties for late or lapsed contracts! Consolidate your renewals with PEI and let us do the dirty work. Keep in mind… This is a FREE service!
Contact PEI today to learn how we can help you!
Matt Dixon, PEI