Eight Ways to Make Your Company the Best Place to Work
- Create a culture that people want to be a part of. The power of a great culture is that everyone feels a strong connection based on shared values and beliefs.
- Only put great managers in charge. The person you communicate with daily can make or break your work experience. Only put people in that position who will contribute positively to the attitude of the team.
- Ask for input, listen, and respond. Don’t have a comment box if you’re going to file those comments in the trash can. If people are coming to you it’s because they care about the organization and want it to succeed.
- Close the gap between performance and potential. Many times employees feel like they could do better if certain processes were changed or improved. Don’t rely on the way things have always been. If your employees have suggestions to get performance up to the level of potential, listen to them.
- Foster open communication. Make sure the communication goes two ways. It’s better to over-communicate than to under-communicate.
- Give credit where credit is due. There are few things that make an employee feel less valuable than not being appreciated. Make sure people are recognized for their accomplishments.
- Build trust. There are many ways to show your employees that you trust them. Allowing them to work remotely and have flexible schedules is one of the most beneficial. The less the employee has to stress about work-life balance, the happier and more productive that employee will be.
- Focus on developing people, not just careers. Make sure your employees have opportunities for career advancement, but also give them resources for personal growth. Make sure the employee is in the best role for their potential and personality.
Brandi-Ann Moore, PEI