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Changing Call Quality Poll Interval for Skype for Business Online

By June 15, 2018August 5th, 2022Blog, Microsoft, Skype for Business
Skype for Business Online Call Quality Poll Interval

The Problem with the Call Quality Poll Interval:

So after getting out of a Skype for Business Online conference,  you get a popup by default asking you to rate your call experience each time. This article describes how to turn that feature off or at least tune down how often the poll occurs for your users.

Connecting to S4B Online via Powershell:

  1. Download the powershell AAD module. I find the best place to grab it is from the powershell gallery.
  2. Startup Microsoft Azure Active Directory module for windows powershell.
  3. Create a session variable. When prompted for your username, be sure you specify a global admin:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $session = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $credential -Verbose
VERBOSE: Determining domain to admin
Please enter the user principal name (ex. User@Domain.Com):
VERBOSE: AdminDomain = ''
VERBOSE: Discovering PowerShell endpoint URI
VERBOSE: TargetUri = ''
VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: AuthUri = ''
VERBOSE: Requesting authentication token
VERBOSE: Success
VERBOSE: Initializing remote session
VERBOSE: Success
  1. Now import your session
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Import-PSSession $session

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
-------— ----—    -—                                -------------—
Script     1.0        tmp_qslhaqtz.uqi                    {Clear-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReservation, Complete-CsCceA...

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
  1. Now check the global policy for RateMyCall options:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-CsClientPolicy -identity Global | findstr RateMyCall
RateMyCallDisplayPercentage                 : 0
RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback           : False
  1. One used to be able to tweak RateMycallAllowCustomUserFeedback to $False in order to turn off RateMyCall, these days the variable appears to be read only
PPS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-CsClientPolicy -identity Global | findstr RateMyCall
RateMyCallDisplayPercentage                 : 0
RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback           : False
  1. However, you can just set the Display percentage to 0, which does the same thing
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global -RateMyCallDisplayPercentage 100
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-CsClientPolicy -identity Global | findstr RateMyCall
RateMyCallDisplayPercentage                 : 100
RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback           : False
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global -RateMyCallDisplayPercentage 0
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-CsClientPolicy -identity Global | findstr RateMyCall
RateMyCallDisplayPercentage                 : 0
RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback           : False

There now, call polling is effectively turned off.

MFuller, PEI

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