Learn about developing IT industry trends and solutions your IT peers are talking about.
Keeping Track of Business Trends Can Help Your Business Succeed
PEI’s Annual Technology Raffle helps us collect data about the state of the IT Industry and developing trends. Identifying trends that fit with your business model can help your organization stay competitive.
This year, PEI collected data more than 2000 data points and analyzed the results. Use this data to determine where your business stands in your technology posture and discover technologies your peers are interested in.
Our data spans over 20 verticals with the most common being technology, finance, education, healthcare, construction, and manufacturing.
Discover Business Tech Trends for This Year’s Three Main Categories
The General State of IT
As technology becomes more integral to business success and more accessible to businesses of any size or budget level, see how technology is framed and prioritized.
Security Concerns
Security threats are developing, but your biggest weakness might still be your users. See what threat vectors concern businesses most.
Cloud Adoption and Usage
The cloud is becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes, and its subscription-style service model is taking over the industry.